Emergence of Self

Emergence of Self explored gender identity and nonbinary existence through photography, book arts, painting, writing, and web design/development. In November 2018, I hosted an exhibition showcasing this work.

photograph of exhibition pylon with the title "emergence of self" people in an exhibition space, one individual holding a folding book of black and white photographs a gallery wall full of colorful paintings, two people looking at the series three large canvas paintings about 6 feet tall, pinned onto a spacious wall book cover titled "emergence of self" open spread of a book with large block of text on the left, several smaller blocks on the right full bleed spread of a book with a close up image of a multicolored painting open spread of a book with two self portrait paintings, one on each page page full of signatures and handwritten notes from the exhibition guest book open spread of a book with the url "thisisnonbinary.com" typed across the page

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